
Create your Digital Avatar, and start Earning today!

We understand the challenges of being a creator!
Whether you're a professional creator or a beginner, you can create your Digital Avatar, host on our Marketplace and start earning from Day 1.


Create once and
Earn Forever! 🤑

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Here are the simple steps to create your Digital Avatar!


Submit Details

Join the Animo creator community by signing up. It’s quick, easy, and free. Just provide some basic information to get started.


Animo Team Gets in Touch

After you sign up, our friendly Animo team will reach out to you. We’re here to guide you through the next steps and answer any questions you might have.


Upload a 2-Minute Video

Show us your personality! Upload a short, 2-minute video of yourself. This helps us create a realistic and engaging avatar that truly represents you.


Complete Consent and Sign Contract

Your privacy and consent are our top priorities. Complete a simple consent process to ensure you’re fully informed and comfortable with how your avatar will be used. Once you’re happy with everything, sign the contract to formalize our partnership.


Avatar Live, Earn Every Time It's Used

Your avatar is now live! It’s listed on our platform, ready to be used by brands and creators looking for unique, engaging content. Every time your avatar is used in a video, you earn. The more your avatar gets used, the more you make.